Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tram Tour ЁЯЪК

For quite sometime, it is on the news that tram facility in Kolkata would be ceased for reasons such as traffic difficulties, congestion, high maintenance and less revenue generation. We decided to take a family trip to Kolkata to not regret missing 'Tram Tour' after it is officially stopped.

Kolkata has always been in the list of places to-go as it is one of the oldest cities and has a rich history and culture. Tram tops our list, as Kolkata is the only city in India that has tram service till date. 

We decided to take up the tram service on the first day of our tour itself. To not miss, we went straight up to a depot to catch one right where it starts. Even after our almost 1.5 hours of wait, none turned up. We went ahead for lunch and found that a tram might cross that junction few minutes later. We ended up waiting for almost an hour in the road and finally boarded one when it stopped for a signal (we were allowed to board there).

Apparently, tram services were reduced by more than half. It is so fond to remember how we, as a family, looked at the streets for a tram to appear in the hot sun coupled with tiredness.  Yet, the moment we had a sight of it was simply awesome and we jumped into it.

Yes, tram was untidy, old and rusty but it has its own unbeatable charm. Bells as horns, incredibly cheaper tickets, going on tracks on the road.. Wooowww!!!! We were going by a train on the road!! Reliving while typing this gives a warm smile on my face.


We went around for a while and got down at a junction only to find out that another tram was just behind following this and that was air-conditioned too. For a moment we thought of taking a ride in the a/c tram but dropped the idea thinking about the long day we had.


But we did talk about tram and how it felt for rest of the day and for what its worth, I have to mention that we did not come across a tram during our rest of the stay in the city. And interestingly, we get to read a lot more articles on tram services (and its possible halt) after our return from the city. Glad that we had our share of ride when it still exists!! ЁЯТЦ

Anything unique that is likely to be erased from history stays close to hearts and that is the reason why some groups are fighting really hard to retain tram service, at least a couple of them.ЁЯЪК


  1. You can ask readers to share their experiences of tram and any other similar such experiences we should give a try


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