Sunday, May 1, 2022

Individual vs Team sport

Thanks to Covid and eventual intrusion of mobiles into lives of children! This has distanced them from grounds, parks and plays. However, schools are now reopened for full-fledged classes and therefore playing with peer group is back!! 

This aside, Olympics Tokyo 2020 attracted more viewers due to Covid and children & adults glued themselves to television sets and got introduced to many sports. That was a never before number of viewers as most of us were forced to remain indoors. 

As a positive effect, Olympics have made more parents and children think of sport as an option for career. Interestingly, the fame and money attached made it more possible. Predominantly, individual sports!!!! No doubt, the couple of medals grabbed by Indians were motivating! 

Absolutely fine! Be it an individual sport or a team one, children being involved in any kind is a welcoming thing. It gives them a sense of discipline and independence. Any sport gives the child a 'me time' besides their routine academic works. They do make new friends and socialize more. Effortlessly, sports prevent any other distraction a child is likely to get into. Health of the child is taken care of in its own way.  There is no way of pointing out a single negative thing about involving a child in sport. Playground is the place where one could see the real child - all facets!!!!

Despite these advantages existing in both individual and team sports, the primary choice of majority of parents remains 'individual sporting events.' There are quite a number of reasons for one to choose so  - primarily personal interest, one's physique, its sole dependence on the individual's ability and practice, limelight, availability and accessibility of the coach. There is a common belief that 'to train a child in an individual sport is easier and the returns are higher in relative terms.' Also parents now begin to think of sporting events that have less competition on ground to make it easier for them to train kids towards achievement of national, international recognition or so.This has led parents to plunge into Chess, Badminton, Tennis, and even Shooting. 

 More than half of Indian parents don't allow children to play outside

Picture Courtesy: The Week

Though this is not an unwelcoming thing, considering the fact that children are slowly forgetting how to socialize, there is a desperate need to include them in a team sport.  No matter how rich/poor we are, none of us can ever live in isolation or just stick to 'our type of people.' If we happen to be someone dreaming about a better and peaceful world, it certainly starts with our children being in a team. Not necessarily a serious, career oriented sport activity. Yet, being with one. 

It is visible that children find it difficult to be in a team, however small or big it is. The habit of complaining, bullying and cornering have become habitual and common everywhere. To be a part of a group, sharing while playing, acceptance of winning/losing, giving a hand to a teammate or an opponent is all part of a team sport which is thoroughly fading enough. Even when a child is in a team, he or she makes sure (or the parents make sure) that they outshine others and prove to be an independent winner in a group sport. It is very common to see children fighting with their own teammates to be felt seen and finally end up losing as a team. Schools also find it easier to conduct individual events rather than team events. 

There would be a regretting stage in our lives if we do not let our children be a team player, no matter how good they are at an individual sport! A playground and teams on field are just a replica of our social lives and the former make the latter better and joyous! ЁЯТЧ

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