Thursday, December 16, 2021

It is strange!!!

You call me 'anti-Indian' towards the end of this post, I don't give a damn! Because I call myself a human!

I have always wondered the kind of trauma a family would undergo at the time of loss of their loved ones for "sake of country", yet pose a brave look with a pride of sacrifice on faces! This is thoroughly praised by all sections of the society; media carrying special stories, government rewarding, rather compensating families of the deceased, so on and so forth.

As a daughter, wife or mother, I have/would always wanted/want those important men of my life to be around in all stages of my life, to share, to have fun, to love and above all to live our "precious lives." Who on earth would feel otherwise!? Doesn't it take an abnormal courage for someone to send their family members knowing beforehand that their life is at stake and so is their family's!

The fact that everyone's life is uncertain and therefore opting to join Defence is no different - This statement does not go well with me. 

Who are they sacrificing lives for? 
What are the sacrifices? 
How costly are they? 
Do their sacrifices lead to a better, peaceful world?
Who benefits out of these sacrifices?
Are families of the deceased 'forced' to feel proud of the loss?
Is it not against human nature to feel proud of someone's loss?
How long does any country remember them? 
Doesn't the country rate importance based on the rank of deceased?
Will a salute give back all that is lost in the personal space?

When an individual, despite these concerns,leaves the family behind and joins Defence and feels proud of himself/herself, WHAT DRIVES THEM? The society calls its patriotism! I prefer to call it Jingoism!

As long as we (over)celebrate patriotism, I see very meagre chances of borders fading out and there is almost zero chance for our future generations to witness a war-free world!!

What would happen if all humans on the borders across the world decide not to be a part of security forces anymore!!??? Let me raise this question to some grown-ups and see if I could get any interesting response! If you have any, I would like to hear!

P.S.: My intention is not to hurt any sentiments but to kindle the same to find some clarity for myself. And my post is about all those forces all around the world and not confined to any particular nation.

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