Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Time to volunteer ЁЯТк and get yourself a ЁЯСН

In one of my previous posts, I shared how the Tamil Nadu government acts on current issues with the advice, suggestions and recommendations from experts of various fields, in particular the contemporary writers. 

In continuation, I would like to share the link where Tamil Nadu government has initiated the above promised teaching-learning process and has invited applications from volunteers who could spare their valuable time to teach children around their neighbourhood. 


This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to become a part of this 'first of its kind initiative in India.' There are several NGOs such as Vazhai, Agaram, Teach for India engaging in teaching rural, underprivileged children. Nevertheless, for a government to step into such a massive initiation with a budget of 200 crore for the project is for the first time in India and the best one could ask for. ЁЯСПЁЯСНЁЯТкЁЯСМЁЯЩМ

Yes, "Illam Thedi Kalvi" is the initiative where children between classes 1 and 8 are taught basics of reading, writing and comprehending skills by volunteers in their neighbourhood. 

(1) To those who question - can't teachers do the same in schools: There is a huge divide in teaching-learning process since the pandemic. Most of our children - even those who attended/are attending online classes - have lost interest in studies and forgot even the basics. This is more evident in rural areas and among the government school children who did not have an access to online education and continuous learning. ЁЯШЯ

(2) What do I gain out of volunteering? Trust me, more than your contribution, you will be at the receiving end! Right from understanding your society around and its needs, realizing our responsibilities as citizens, gaining skills such as leadership quality, ability to coordinate, initiation, creativity and team work, there will be a lot of takeaways for each one of us. One could equip themselves here with the invest of only time and knowledge by volunteering. To motivate yourself, there is one more social benefit! You could make new like-minded friends (some for lifetime) ЁЯТЪЁЯТЮ

(3) Besides, working with the government is a pride in itself! We get to have the first hand information of all that government has do with this programme. We are an integral part of them. ЁЯТк

(4) Who are eligible to register? Anyone with a minimum qualification of Class 12. So one can register along with his/her siblings, parents, friends and even grandparents. ЁЯСкЁЯСлЁЯСмЁЯСн

(5) Any remuneration? Not sure in the government press release. But I do believe that one would gain way more than what money could give! ЁЯШО

(6) How long? From Nov 1, it will begin in 12 districts. Based on this pilot study, with necessary modifications in the plan, the scheme would be rolled in all other districts of Tamil Nadu. ✌

(7) When? Depends on your choice, either part-time or full-time. Full-time is approximately 1.5 hrs/day in the evenings.ЁЯСА Part-time includes once in a week or twice in a month. 

Anything more you need to know, either visit the website or call me (just another volunteer) ЁЯШН But do not delay; do register yourself asap and get a memorable experience! ЁЯТЧЁЯТЦ

1 comment:

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