Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Santa's visit ЁЯТЦ

Disclaimer: This post is our personal experience in the last few weeks. Purely self-centered. So please don't complain if it bores you ЁЯШН 

The month of Christmas, stars everywhere, Santas all across towns, sparkling lights; no matter what one's religious affiliation is, Christmas vibe catches us all in different degrees! It has always caught my daughter tight and she thoroughly enjoys every Christmas for its brightness! ЁЯТЮ

Now to the actual narration

Long story short: My daughter sent a "wish letter" to Santa and she was paid a visit by Santa himself with her gift!


Now short story long: 
Our daughter wanted a suitcase for herself for very long and we refused as she had a couple of travel  bags. When her cousins liked her bags, she, without any hesitation, gave them those favorite bags. Soon after that my kid was gifted another bag by her uncle, so she did not get to buy a suitcase. She waited so long and she thought Santa thaathaa would gift her on Christmas if she writes him a letter. 

She asked us to dictate letters and we did. After asking for GOOD HEALTH, she did not have space to write SUITCASE. I asked her to turn the paper and write on the backside. She was worried that Santa might not know that she had written on the other side of the paper.ЁЯШД Then I had to tell her to write PTO (after explaining what it is) which she wrote as a mirror image .ЁЯШЭ After writing, she wanted to give a clear picture of what kind of suitcase she wanted to not confuse Santa thaatha given thousands of letters he would receive and therefore drew a picture and coloured it. ЁЯТЭ

Now comes the posting part. She wanted to post it herself. We found official address of Santa on google and helped her write it herself. She stuck her usual stamp of Rs. 5/- to Greenland address! But to post, it costs more than 25000 which is definitely not affordable for us ЁЯШБ We convinced her to place her cover into another and wrote a different address and she stuck stamp again and posted it. We collected it from that address. 

She waited everyday and was wondering what would make Santa come! Meanwhile, she had several questions as to why Santa is in Greenland, how good is his sleigh, what will impress him, how to go to his toy workshop, etc. We had to google now and then to answer some of them.
We wanted to surprise her and found someone who agreed to visit as Santa. We handed him over 'her letter', gave him the 'suitcase' we bought and also gave him a letter we wrote to give it as 'Santa's letter to our daughter.'  
Then the Day of Celebration arrived, Santa arrived dancing all the way with the suitcase that put her to shock and surprise ЁЯШК She hesitated initially to click pics with him but later agreed to travel with him to GreenlandЁЯШЭ. When kids around were excited about this whole thing, some began to ask me for the address and wanted to write letters. This excitement was put away by some of their parents immediately by saying that this whole stuff was arrangedЁЯШП. When this made my daughter upset, we made up stories to reiterate that she had a real Santa visit. That is how the day ended with all happiness!!!!

(here around our living space) Some tiny tots still believe Santa; most  are super-informative, opinionated and therefore the whole innocence attached to it is missing; whereas some of us (adults) though know that all these are fictional, we love them. Ironical!!!! ЁЯТЮ

Hope you had a nice story to visualize! it was easy to go an extra mile for our own child but Yes, all of us can be a Santa to anyone to grant their wish with love ЁЯШН


  1. Great Dr.Priya
    You have done a wonderful job to fulfil Varunika's wish

  2. In my life across 20 years I have never seen such parents who gifted their child in such a manner ♥marvellous

  3. Super ЁЯСо‍♀️ I highly appreciate you ЁЯОЕЁЯз╢ЁЯз│ЁЯСЬ


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