Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lucky Me: My Ph.D

The title is slightly contrary when I deeply introspect different phases of my Ph.D in one of the oldest universities in India. Yet, on an overall view I would say I have had a far better experience than many scholars out there who unfortunately end up doing what they are never supposed to do while pursuing this.

One of my colleagues once mentioned: “part-time scholars annoy guides/supervisors whereas it is the other way round when it comes to fulltime scholars.” True!!!! Doing a Ph.D part-time is better as you do not have to please your guide at every sight. Sigh!!!

Not only media, but also on personal experiences shared by scholars, first-hand information on how they go around, beat around the bush all through their Ph.D period typically portray the PATHETIC STATE OF RESEARCH and SCHOLARS here.

I was lucky enough for the following reasons:

·         I NEVER had to do any HOUSEHOLD CHORES for my guides.
·         I NEVER had to be AVAILABLE ANYTIME at their service (be it academic or personal).
·        I was NEVER asked to BRIBE them (though they were aware of the fact I was sufficiently paid by the UGC for the Junior Research Fellowship).
·         I was NEVER physically abused.
·         I was NEVER stopped from exploring on areas of research I wanted to.
·         I was NEVER forced into an unwilling area of study for the benefit of the guide.
·     I was NEVER forced to change my idea or style of writing my thesis despite it had flaws (for which I took complete responsibility in my public viva-voce).
·       I was NEVER interfered in my experimental way (sometimes strange way) of pedagogy when it comes to sharing their classes.
·     I was NEVER forced to submit my thesis unless and until I was thoroughly satisfied with my work.
·      I was NEVER asked to sponsor anything for anyone at any time (I do not even know how my examiner commuted to the viva-voce).
·        I was NOT STOPPED when I decided to go by my option of not offering food for the participants on my Viva-Voce.
·        I was NEVER directly or indirectly asked for any gifts or favour.
I was NEVER told or directed about whom I should talk to and otherwise.

             There are a couple of real bitter experiences during the same period that clearly brought down the masks of some highly respected individuals and highly trusted friends. There were administrative challenges that totally put me down at a crucial point in time. Still, as far as my research work is concerned, I did not have to go through what most of the scholars are going through today. Unlucky lot they are and I really feel sorry for them!!!!

Yeeeesssss, LUCKY ME!!!! I love my research work and do cherish every bit of it!!!!

Scholars out there, it is YOUR RESEARCH, YOUR PASSION AND YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! Don’t shy away when it is necessary to voice out and act!! Coz no worries, there will certainly be better people to guide you if you decide to call it off!!

Cheers J

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