Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In memory of you, our darling Princess :-)

             What do I have to do with you, Princess? I did not even step into my teens when you bid farewell to your cruel world! Categorically nothing to do with you! Oh, wait.. No.. I am a woman too.. A daughter, a wife and a mother as you were!! My heart goes to you as you always starved for those priceless love, laughter, compassion, trust and peace!

            Was it your fault to have got married to someone who never loved you and visibly ignored you? NO! Any woman would naturally search for a place that can fill life’s vacuum with love!! No matter you belong to a royal family or not. That makes your departure unacceptable till date. How hard it is to be a celebrity who is always thronged by paparazzi for their obnoxious thirst! Sigh L

            It is so heavy to be in your shoes and understand how it would have felt for you to have gone crazy in search of love and companionship as well as trying to give your best to raise your boys amidst all chaos, despite holding the prestigious label PRINCESS. Despite your physical and mental agony, you also apparently diverted your precious energy to social works and left ever traceable footprints in several domains. May be that is why I personally do not see any difference between you and Mother Teresa!!

                             Pic courtesy: Google Images

You both are so beautiful by all means, body, mind and heart! May be that is why you both left us in tears in the same year! You would have been a grandma now had you been alive (you are the young grandma in our minds as we even do not want to use FaceApp). I am sure you would have been at your best in that role too. You would have been continuously giving the world nothing but love had you been with us. It is so unfortunate not only to your kids and grandchildren but also to many who sincerely wish that your destiny had been written otherwise.

            You deserved better on earth! But I hope you are now treated like a true princess in heaven!

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