Sunday, June 30, 2019

A BROAD DAY LIGHT CRIME - Theatre and Snacks!

Ask a family of four, “Why is it that you don’t prefer to watch movies in theatres?” Their immediate response would be the high expenditure to be met; they whine that it is not just the ticket fare but the additional expenses that come along such as parking fee (not only in case of malls) and the highly expensive snack counters!!! This pinch on a family’s budget is the most important factor for increasing movie watching at homes and video piracy. It is not about justification of this illegal activity by pointing out personal economic reasons. But addressing it might increase theatre goers with a smile!

I say this because in 90s and 2000s, families did go to theatres in large numbers but they had the privilege of carrying their own snacks for every family member. But now there is a strict rule enforced that “outside food is not permitted.” Why??? To maintain cleanliness of the hall? To ensure ban of plastic (in case of chips and the like)? To uphold etiquette by not making anyone munch throughout so as to give every movie watcher a pleasant movie time? NONSENSE!!!!! To mention the least, snack counters in fact serve you while movie runs (depending on your advance booking on when you would like to be served). That makes it clear that the reasons for not permitting outside food are not that are mentioned above. It is to make you buy from their counters! Isn’t it a CRIME?????

There are families that cannot afford high priced food; there are some who would like to avoid giving junk for their kids (most theatres offer only junk food); some may not be comfortable with outside food and; some might feel really annoyed with the loooooonnnnnnggggg queues during intervals that would spoil mood to watch rest of the movie; and some who can afford think why do I have to waste money.

Kids easily get carried by visually appetizing items available on the counters. But had the families been permitted to carry their own, it is the parents’ responsibility to soothe the kids. But given the existing situation, every movie goer is left with only two choices: (1) buy at the counters (2) stay without snacks. Mostly, we are tempted to eat something at the counters and that becomes favourable to the theatre management.

What if every movie goer consciously decides and practices not to get anything at the counters??!!!! Let us give it a thought!!!! May be the earlier practice of letting people in with their own snacks will come into place. Let it be purely our choice: to bring our own or buy! It is highly condemnable to let some theatre owner decide it for his and his family’s welfare!!!

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