Sunday, July 10, 2022

Rocketry: My thoughts & takeaways!

A Biopic is not common in Tamil Cinema. So is a science film. And a FAMILY movie is equally  uncommon. As "Rocketry, The Nambi Effect" fits into all these categories, it has to be received well by the audience, no matter what. I would say, as a token of appreciation to the makers behind, do watch it with family. 

  Rocketry: The Nambi Effect (2022) - IMDb

Our young kids might not understand a bit of it; adolescents may find it boring here and there; and adults will have to tune away from their regular mode to watch this genre. Yet, this movie will kindle thoughts in every age group in different forms. A kid might develop an interest in Science, an adolescent might choose a career in this path and an adult will have an altogether different takeaways (from family bonding to societal pressures to blind followers).

 And mine are here!!!

(Spoilers ahead. But since this movie is a biopic, these spoilers will not affect your watching experience in any way)

(1) The lead character 'Nambi Narayanan' persuades a senior, reputed Professor @ Princeton University to guide him through his Thesis. The persuasion technique is my point of discussion. In the movie, the student convinces the guide that he would take care of all his household chores and help with taking care of his ailing wife and in turn he insists that the guide shares his KNOWLEDGE and helps him complete his thesis. Now, what will happen if our contemporary research scholars and guides understand it superficially and justify their unethical (disgusting) patterns we see!!!! The whole scenario in the movie is distinct from our scholars doing chores to get their research done. There is no way one could compare these two. I hope/wish nobody does so!!!

(2) Except the terms 'solids' & 'liquids' I do not remember understanding any other technical terms used in the movie. That shows my standard of 'Physics' and the standard of my teachers. When one could learn Physics even while making an egg omlette, whose fault is that I never developed any curiosity to learn or question or doubt!!!! 

(3) Scholars across the world had this habit of writing to great achievers, authors and scientists to share their experience of reading their works, raising concerns and also to criticize. In turn, they did receive (humble) responses. This habit seems to be eroding away from our society and at least a handful of movie watchers might revive this.

 (4) Patriotism, sedition, anti-Indian, traitor and so on and on and on.... These words seem to be overrated to me. I have a serious doubt of what patriotism is and who a traitor is!!!! Overdose in usage of these words is putting many lives on line and is also ending up making many of us less tolerant, less rational and less empathetic. The intrusion of both old and new media is effortlessly provoking the already confused state of minds of people. This movie is an example of it, though the new media's role was absent then. That takes me to the next point that humans are/have always been easily prone to broadcasting negative messages with whatever mode of communication available. 

(5) I happened to watch this movie with hundreds of school children. Young among the lot revealed that they did not understand or it felt boring. Yet towards the climax the whole bunch applauded when good was victorious over the evil and it has to be celebrated! It was heartwarming. Yet, we forget to tell them that the we are collectively responsible for those 'evil' too!!!   

Time to grab tickets!  ЁЯНЯ

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