Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Tomoe Express - 1

A library is capable of widening one’s mind and soul and this is irreplaceable. Yet, the relationship between children and library is gloomy for several reasons such as non-availability, non-accessibility and non-realization of its significance. One cannot do anything huge to bring about a vast social change. However, creating a change in the neighbourhood is highly possible. This led to the initiation of opening of children’s library in a nearby village whose chances of exploring one is rare. 

In a distance of 5km from our residence, Tomoe Library (a free library for children) is opened at Vallavankottai, Tirunelveli. This village has two schools, two anganwadis & a village library largely meant for adolescents and adults.

In spite of a village (government) library present, why a new one?

Most of the libraries do not have any exclusive section for children and it is not possible for an outsider to get associated with the library to conduct regular sessions in order to motivate children to read beyond books! So an independent one!! 

To start with, the name is an inspiration derived from the book, Totto-Chan. And therefore the train structure! ЁЯЪД

To gain trust in a community is a mammoth task. A proposal of a free library kindles thoughts of people as to what would be the hidden agenda for us. Beating the odds is no easy task and we did not find a common place in the Panchayat that could be utilized for the library. Instead, we had to rent a place, a tiny one which was the only available space shown to us. No matter how small or big the space is when we put in all our love and soul into it. That’s how the physical space came into the picture finally! ЁЯТЮ

Some before-after pictures,      







To transform a physical space into something of real use is like creating magic – This is what we felt during the process of transformation!

...to be continued! ЁЯТЭ


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