Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Why can't adults have some fun too? ЁЯШЙ

Earlier days, every road used to be spacious enough for children to play and adults to walk the talk! There used to be many playgrounds where children and adults play in their group-defined territory on weekends! This right-turned-privilege has changed over a period of time due to urbanization and dense housing everywhere. There are a few real playgrounds left in every district and those are not in the immediate neighbourhood as they used to be. Even schools lacking enough play space is another thing.

As a replacement, government has been opening parks in every community. Any place with more than a hundred or two has a park of their own. Visibly, these parks all across the state has similar structure and play equipment. There is a huge walking space designed around the play area for adults and there are seats meant for resting and chatting. Overall, these parks are for good health and recreation. The private hotel spaces that have play area are also meant strictly for children. While adults relax for a while, children spend time playing. So far so good!! 

                                            courtesy: google images

Now to my focal point,

What wrong did adults do to not use the play equipment in such parks is something I wonder about!! Why are they meant only for children? In most places, they are meant for those below five years of age!!!! Even the law calls everyone till the age of 18 as a child!! And many grown-ups are still child at heart, mind and body!

Won't adults love to swing for a while?

Do we not get the tickle to slide?

Can't we enjoy a bit of 'see-saw'?

Don't we see adults who break this rule in parks to pamper and refresh themselves?

Do we not use them under the pretext of holding our child?

Most of these times, adults are literally thrown out citing age reasons! 

The predominant reason for such age restriction is the quality of play equipment. They are made to bear the weight of children below a particular age. And the other ironic reason is adult policymakers categorize play areas & equipment for children and walking area for adults. What's wrong if I see this as an unacceptable exclusion? I and all of us deserve to have fun, irrespective of our age. 

Will it not make a huge difference if those are inclusive - for adults and differently-abled too - in nature? Who will pass this message to decision makers? Amidst other burning challenges that face adults, parks might be of little significance, unfortunately!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Of course beside children's area Equipments might be use for adults. But this thought arise all of adults to convey their wishes in proper channel.


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