Thursday, November 26, 2020

A surprise from Gautham Vasudev Menon

"Classy romance" is what we see in most of Gautham's movies. Almost all of his films are made for urban audience given its elite environment, English dialogues and portrayal of love. His latest outing, "Avalum Naanum, Avarum Naanum" (ANAN) was a true surprise to me, though he stuck to his strengths. As a part of the recently OTT released anthology film, Putham Puthu Kaalai, ANAN has captured love between two, in fact three, so beautifully!!! ЁЯТЩЁЯТЪЁЯТЫ

The whole short film features a high profiled grandfather (thaathaa) and his new generation granddaughter (Kanna). They both were totally awesome and effortlessly pulled us into their (less than half an hour) journey. The camera not only captures these two lead characters but also thaathaa's lovely house and its interiors. Emotions we find even on walls of the house match perfectly well with that of thaathaa and Kanna. 

The camera shows the two and their interactions, slowly growing bond and the love they finally find for each other, and interestingly music introduces the third character, VOICE!!!! For thaathaa, his pride of life is his daughter's voice, which according to him is strangled and lost!!! The way he expresses his love for his daughter and the latter's voice in the background, accompanying music are all soul stirring!

ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╢ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╢"Kanna Thoothu Poda" in Govind Vasantha's music, Bombay Jayshree's voice and karky's lyrics is the top notch of the whole film. The visuals too!! It solely communicates his daughter's love for him, her response to his disappointment ЁЯШК and in turn thaathaa's love for his daughter ЁЯШК, the nucleus of this film. I fell in love with the song; in fact anyone would! Such a blissful one after a long time!! ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╢ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╢

The title "Putham Puthu Kaalai" seems to be very apt for this short film (of course for others as well). Every dawn is beautiful and miraculous; so is the bond between thaathaa and kanna that grows, changing their lives more loving day after day! 

Life doesn't hide that beauty from any of us; may be sometimes we fail to spot it! Every dawn is a new beginning to pick up from wherever we left and however it is!!ЁЯТЧЁЯТЧ

1 comment:

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