Thursday, October 10, 2019

Teachers and government schools!!!


Where do we find better teachers, government schools or private ones?

Not a minute of wavering, the whole bunch of better to best teachers are in government schools :-) 

Why is it so? Ask private school teachers about their ambition or future plans. Their answer would be this: "to get into government service."

In such a case, is it not true that teachers who work in government schools go through government conducted examinations, fulfill eligibility conditions and thus pass through the test to get into service?

In other words, those who work in private schools are yet to clear the examination and are waiting for an opportunity to get the gates opened. (There are exceptions such as those working in some international schools in some metropolitan. I restrict to majority as my family belongs to it!)

There can also be an argument that passing a test cannot determine a teacher's ability to influence a child in all positive ways. Agreed! But then why do they (even best of best passionate teachers/academicians who can bring a change wherever they are) work so hard to crack exams and get there???!!! The possible answers could be better income and job security; and for some to genuinely work for weaker sections (whose choice is government run schools). 

Yeessss!!!! There it ends.. Teachers in government schools possess sufficient knowledge on the subject with good income and job security unlike private school teachers. The former lot are better off than their private counterparts!!!! 

So the final question! Who can deliver more and better? To us, it is crystal clear, GOVERNMENT SCHOOL TEACHERS! There are certainly many gaps to be filled in their delivery pattern. As parents, we strongly feel that those gaps can be filled by parents the most, by getting associated with them, raising questions, doubts and demanding quality. These would naturally come to us if our children are enrolled in government schools and it would eventually become our right to exercise. Yes, it is our right as they are paid by us, our taxes!! They are more accountable to us, to the society, than the private school teachers.

There are some who already give their life to their work. Rest, let us get them shine at their BEST!! Its our duty too :-) 

                                          PC: google images be continued 

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