Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Money, money, money

Third in the series

As parents, the common and really boring question we face nowadays is this: "What are you intending to do with money saved by choosing government school when both of you earn sufficient enough?" ЁЯША

Doesn't a family have other lovely things to do in addition to educational expenses of children? ЁЯШХ Of course, we do! such as spending on our passion, travel, fun, entertainment and share!ЁЯШО

To this many respond: "OMG, you guys underestimate the need for quality education and seek attention by doing something that is dangerous to your child."ЁЯШИ

Well, thanks! ЁЯСН

The schools around, be it matriculation, CBSE, ICSE or any of that kind, charge somewhere between Rs. 25000/- to Rs. 1,00,000/- for a kindergarten child. Some play schools charge Rs.10,000/- per month for a child of even less than 2 years of age. I may be unaware of many such atrocities as I prefer not to know them! ЁЯШЕ

                                          Pic Source:

In such circumstances, when we are sure that our child gets good education for free of cost, why would we look for places that charge us unnecessarily huge!!! Oh, sorry, not for free of cost as we are taxpayers who promptly pay our education cess! ЁЯЩЛ And the travel expense to commute to the school is largely cut as neighbourhood schooling is another key ЁЯШЙ

On the other side, there is always scope to be a proud working partner of our child's school!! ЁЯШЗ For example, the school our child is in was in need of a revamp with a little fund left of their own. As affordable parents (as commented by many) we were able to share the cost to an extent possible. Again there are questions of this sort: "Why do you guys get involved in these activities? Beware, the school will try to misuse your nature and you will end up spending your hard earned income for something that has to be naturally served by the government themselves." ЁЯШ▒ See, most of them will not let you do what you wish to! Hypocrisy!! ЁЯШП Ignore such negativity ЁЯШН

Another visible/invisible effect is that you are spending for other (underprivileged) children as well by contributing to the school on the whole.ЁЯТЧ It certainly gives a sense of satisfaction as it is a way of paying back to the society that has given all that we are today!! ✌ In other words, instead of spending large portion of one's income on one child, one can spend the same amount on many children (one school). ЁЯСнЁЯСм

Smart and sustainable investment, isn't it?ЁЯТЪ

to be continued...

Cheers ЁЯШК

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