Though my school was run by a Christian Missionary in
a semi-urban town of Tamil Nadu, not only majority of students were non-Christians but also the teachers. This has changed over a period of time, predominantly
in higher educational institutions. Schools remain more or less the same.
My school prohibited wearing of jewels or flowers
except for Fridays as majority of us were Hindus for whom Fridays are
considered to be auspicious.
Like it or not, we had classes once a week where
stories from Bible were told and those classes were intense for Christians.
None of our parents protested. And we did like listening to those stories. We
sang Christian songs and recited verses from Bible in everday prayer gathering.
No one complained.
But my grandfather was worried that nuns of my school
would convert me given my closeness with them. This never happened and no such thing
I heard of in my whole school life.
We all had own set of friends, having no idea of what
their cultural, religious or social identity was. Most of us would not know
till date as to what caste our childhood/school/college friends belong to. And as far as
religion goes, we never cared about it.
Of course, schools would be happy if its students get
inclined towards their practice. There were funny incidents where my friends
pretended to have an inclination towards Christianity to not get caught for any trouble they created. During school tours, we were taken to Churches as well as Temples; but
celebrated Christmas the best.
Yet, all that we have today is fond memories and no
threat to anyone’s identity.
Things change, there could be real concerns. But any
Christian going by the values learnt from Bible would never force or influence
one, no matter what! Above all, educational institutions are beyond these
identities!!!! They have one role and that is to create rational human beings!!
P.S.: Recently, after sorting out a long-pending
problem for a retired staff (Christian), her husband had sent me a book as a
token of appreciation. It was a detailed explanation of Bible written by him. I called and
politely said “When I do not read Hindu religious texts being a Hindu myself, I do not think I would read this one and therefore I would like to
give to someone who would like it.” He sounded upset but said okay. I am sure
he did not have any intention of influencing me as I am a grown up with a
rational mind to choose what I want/need. Yet, I found it unprofessional for a
teacher himself to do so.
All of us during our school life would look forward to
our birthdays because that was the only day where we would be allowed to wear
dress of our choice. I guess it is the same case even now. One can look special
only their birthdays. Otherwise the system says uniforms are required to
prevent economic discrimination – not letting children feeling superior or inferior to one
another. None of us were taught that uniforms are meant for something else.
When it is purely to avoid economic disparity, the question of why or why not
Hijab does not arise as this pertains to the concern of social/personal
identity. Hijab does not make anyone look rich or poor. It is as simple as that. Though it makes them look apart from the group, it does not cause any harm to the uniformity of children. In fact, raises a lot more discussion and deliberation.
Hijab, a mark of forehead or a cross on the chest are matters of personal
identity and does not count to any discrimination. Schools then never said No
to any Hindu children wearing tilak.
How could wearing a Hijab be a matter of concern? Especially
in educational institutions. There are articles that say a child is forced by
the family to wear one, besides other reasons for wearing one. Even if that is
the case, the role of the school to teach the child to exercise its
right/freedom of choice and not penetrate into anyone’s personal decision.
When my child sees her classmate wearing one, it leads
to questioning of why she and why not me and that will eventually lead to
interesting conversation between us (like the one we recently had about why
buses run for free for women alone). Isn’t this the whole essence of a secular
country? Together with all differences!!!
One who wears Khadi the whole life is said to be
carrying Gandhian principles. Isn’t a religious identity the same for them? It
is their belief, identity or principle or whatever you call it.
The whole scenario of youngsters getting involved in
this issue is so pathetic, unfortunate and strange. But one that does not go
unnoticed is that voices of those girl children are stronger and bolder! Let us
agree that Hijab or anything cannot fade their voices away!
P.S. : Defending that wearing a Hijab is safer and dignified for girls/women in comparison with those sporting western outfits is highly harmful and proves no point.
Whatever, I am sane enough to say that places that are meant to
be sane are not so!
Don't let anyone make you intolerant to your fellow being!