Monday, September 14, 2020

Are you hated?

My dear women ЁЯСн out there,

Do people (both men and women) around treat you indifferently? I mean, 

Isolation? Ignoring? Backbiting? Irritating? Eating your minds? Creating troubles? 

Well, you must be one or more of these (and many more):

  • working 
  • smart looking 
  • socializing
  • tackling work-life balance well
  • intelligent
  • have an opinion on various affairs
  • creative
  • tidy
  • (financially) independent
  • transparent
  • initiator
  • empathetic
  • calm and composed 
  • refraining from dangerous gossips
  • consistently climbing ladder, both personally and professionally
  • visionary
  • principled
Come on, its not your mistake to be a victim in the society, workplace or neighborhood. It is the idle minds that accommodate devils plenty in number causing unrest. ЁЯШАЁЯШВЁЯШЕЁЯШЖ

Its ultimately your choice to fall into the trap like most of women out there or walk with head held high for what you are and what you want to be. Above all, to ensure that your daughters (and sons) are raised right for a better society. ЁЯТкЁЯСН

"Face is the index of mind" is an old saying that stands right across ages. Those women are beautiful that glow inside out!!! ЁЯТе

Rest of them, trust me, are not your cup of tea!ЁЯТЧ


  1. Ultimate Stress BusterЁЯСзЁЯФе

  2. We live in a modern era. It's called the era of NAME SHAMING / IMAGE TARNISHING

  3. ""роороЩ்роХைропро░ாроп் рокிро▒рои்родிроЯро╡ே рооாродро╡роо் роЪெроп்родிроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்"".......


рооிрой்рооிройி рокூроЪ்роЪிроХро│் ЁЯРЭ

роОрой் роЪிро▒ு ро╡ропродிро▓் рооிрой்рооிройி рокூроЪ்роЪிроХро│் роПро░ாро│рооாроХ роЗро░ுрои்родрой. роиாроЩ்роХро│் ро╡роЪிрод்род родெро░ுро╡ிро▓் рооாро▓ை, роЗро░ро╡ு ро╡ேро│ைроХро│ிро▓் ро╡ிро│ைропாроЯுроо் рокோродு рооிрой்рооிройிроХро│ுроо் роЪேро░்рои்родு роХொро│்...