Monday, April 6, 2020

Hon'ble PM, we expect something else!

Hon'ble PM,

The nation listens to you, always, particularly in times of distress.

So, why don't you address this nation on key issues. 

Please talk to us on (and many more):
  • How to fight fear of this unexpected situation?
  • How are the microbiologists and virologists involved in fighting against this pandemic, and many more to come in future?
  • Any plans of setting up more laboratories across the country for now and future?
  • Are we on par with other countries that do rapid testing to minimise casualties?
  • Will the vacant positions of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals be filled every now and then, hereafter?
  • Will slowly government hospitals overtake private hospitals in performance and quality?
  • What are economists doing? Have they found the way through this maze? or at least in the process of finding one?
  • Don't the economists tell the government ways and means to keep emergency fund ready all the time? 
  • Are we judiciously using the huge funds received from Philanthropists such as Tata and how?
  • Will the government adopt transparency in sharing details of inflow and outflow of money during this emergency?
  • How is India going to cut costs on unnecessary stuff and save for emergency situations such as this?
  • How will the government keep a check on charges levied by private hospitals that treat such pandemics? Do we have helplines to report on high charges for testing and treatment?
  • Why did governments of state not provide facilities for migrant labourers in their place of work to find shelter and food, and instead forced to move in times of such emergencies?
  • Is the government prepared to support needy families if this lockdown continues for few more weeks?
  • Are the stressed medical professionals, and other frontline workers treated to destress in any possible way?
  • Will health (and education) occupy a major place in the following year's budget?
  • What do we have to learn from affected and unaffected nations across?
  • Is the government working on identifying its flaws?
  • What is your biggest realization as the head to focus on during such difficult times?
  • Will you show us how to walk with the nation after this lock down for a better and safe tomorrow?
We know, it is more important to prevent community spread and save lives of our citizens than discussing the above points. We know, actions speak louder than words. But we also know that focusing these is better than asking us to clap and light.

Think tanks and corona

Let me go straight to the point I would like to share instead of wailing away time on topics of little significance such as clapping (instead thank your family doctor & other staff when you meet them next time) and lighting lamps (instead be empathetic day in and day out).

What next?? The pandemic has hinted us on creation of think tanks for a better tomorrow. The first  and random thought that came to mind is this:

A think tank comprising "Conservationists, Environmentalists, Policy makers & Economists": As this lock down has has hit the 'refresh' button of nature and other living beings on earth, why not think of such a national lock down every year and help nature refresh itself?

Points to ponder in this direction
  • When can the nation be locked down every year? Period and duration
  •  How can the economic slowdown of this period be addressed?
  • What can be the role of government?
To answer

'When' needs to be decided in consultation with the
  1. Department to Tourism: to identify off-season when the revenue generation is normally less in a year
  2. Environmentalists/conservationists: to identify the period that is conducive/favourable for nature to reset itself on its own; and to identify the minimum and maximum number of days that would make a significant difference
  3. Department of Health: to identify the right season in a year that is suitable/better for public to stay indoors
  4. Economists: to analyse and identify the less economically-active period (in relative terms only) in a year in the country, if any
  5. Election Commission: to ensure that no election related works happen during that time
  6. Political off-season where no assembly/parliament sessions take place and budget related works happen
Economic slowdown

As it is natural to have a steep decline in economy graph during a national lock down, the role of economists becomes highly significant. The think tanks of economists need to arrive at decisions/ideas/proposals to tackle it and provide ways and means to get rejuvenated right after the period.

Considering this equation nature⥸economic growth for sustainability or the very existence of earth, compromising with economy is a better option.

Planned lock down and its benefits
  • Nature and our fellow living beings would thrive happily
  • No chaos/fear among public as they would gradually get used to this format; and therefore they would begin to plan well in advance
  • Quality family time
  • Children's creativity provoked, adults' too
  • Encourage community living
  • Possible increase in health consciousness
  • No alcohol; therefore no related crimes 
  • No breaking news to channels to survive on
 Role of government
  1. To ensure paid/half-paid/minimally paid leave for everyone (organized and unorganized sectors)
  2. To have child and women helplines (counseling services too) to report abuse of any form
  3. To revamp government hospitals, schools, ration shops and offices
  4. To attend to shelter-less and migrant labourers (making use of closed cinema halls, schools, community halls, wedding halls, colleges and get a community kitchen in place to support them)
  5. To identify the real needy sections that would be in need of emergency fund to run their lives, as many would be prepared in advance as the lock down would be on the decided/announced date.
  6. To ensure that alcohol is not bought and stocked at homes that might eventually result in domestic violence be continued on what is expected of my Prime Minister!

 P.S.: There are just the preliminary thoughts and portions of the post might undergo changes depending on mind-processing (of course no portion would be deletedЁЯШЫ)

Friday, April 3, 2020

Art and Hypocrisy

To me,
Maniratnam is romantic;
Bala is raw and dark;
Shankar is stylish;
Mysskin is violent, yet humane;
Samuthirakani is idealistic;
Vasanth is gentle and caring towards women;
Karthik Subburaj is unique;
CS Amudhan is humorous.


This is just my perception of the personalities depending on their movies I have watched so far (many of you would have developed similar perceptions).

In this connection, my idea of the legendary director (late) K. Balachander is that he is progressive (ahead of his times) and a hard core feminist. His films were women-centric and empowering, by having created real BOLD, CHARISMATIC and ASSERTIVE women to shoulder his scripts. It is quite natural for anyone like me to, therefore, look up to him as a real fighter for women rights!

Cut to a recent interview of a yesteryear actress Rekha (one of the lead characters in K.Balachander’s superhit Tamil movie, Punnagai Mannan). She has now revealed that her consent was not sought for the popular lip lock scene in the above mentioned movie with actor Kamalhaasan. Importantly, she was a minor then. What a trauma it would have been for the girl!

At the least, it is not sure if her parents/guardians gave their consent on her behalf, and whether the popular and influential male actor involved was aware of this scenario. Whatever be the case, not having sought the consent is (on the belief that her statement is true) unacceptable and it is highly unexpected from the director who is celebrated for the strong women characters of his films.

What do I write; how do I express; which medium do I prefer; where do I stand; why do/don’t I act: All this depends on who I am and what my thoughts are. My creations are what I am!! 

If that isn’t true, then what do we call it? Hypocrisy!! Who are my film makers, my authors, my artists, my musicians, my teachers, my mentors, etc.? Hypocrites?!?! 

Sorry, the moment you are exposed, you cease to exist in my space!

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