Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Sorry state of PhD scholars!!!

If you are a supervisor of PhD scholars or likely to be one in the future, 

please inform your prospective candidates of an approximate (legal) financial commitment they are likely to indulge in as a result of registering for PhD. Give them a higher figure rather than keeping it low, taking into consideration of changing Universities' policies. Doing a PhD does involve money. This is a no-nonsense fact. If they seem to be feel the course expensive or not affordable, DO NOT TAKE THEM.

If you tell me that PhD is not meant only for affordable candidates and no research-oriented candidate can be denied higher education, then it is reasonable to expect that they crack one of many fellowships such as JRF and ICSSR fellowship. In this case, they become independent, affordable and earn due respect during the course of PhD. 

This being impossible coupled with poor financial status, it is the sincere duty of the supervisor not to take up the candidate and explain the same in a pragmatic manner.

There is no guarantee that every PhD candidate would land on a job right after completion. Therefore, any candidate who enters with an idea that they would be given a job after PhD must be aware that this is a myth and it is the role of the supervisor to dissect it in front of them.

This denial is not an anti-scholar or anti-research or anti-education move but more of creating a better research environment in the society. Having seats filled under a supervisor is no achievement but being transparent enough to expose the right things is!!!!

It is not possible for a prospective candidate to look through this as they get carried away with one of the highest degrees in the country. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of supervisors! The pride of a supervisor is being true to the discipline, research and the candidate and nothing more!!!!

பழைய புத்தகக் கடைகள் - சற்றே மாறிய பார்வை

கல்லூரி காலங்களில் விலைக்கூடிய புத்தகங்களை வாங்க முடியாத நேரத்திலும், ஒரு சில பகுதிகள் மட்டுமே ஒரு புத்தகத்தில் தேவைப்படும் வேளையிலும் மட்டு...