Friday, February 12, 2021

The Great Indian Kitchen - An experience ЁЯСк

Disclaimer: Trust me,  I am a no "fake feminist" ЁЯЩП and no major spoiler ahead ЁЯШЭ

Often we are bombarded with messages, films and news pieces as "Must-Watch/read for Women".ЁЯШЕ You, gentlemen, here is a MUST-WATCH PIECE for you, "The Great Indian Kitchen". Don't miss it. Watch it on NeeStream.ЁЯОж

The title when first read sounded like a 'reality show' on TV channels that air unique and majestic kitchens across India and related entertaining facts. Surprisingly, it is a realistic picture shot in a kitchen of our own household-like with most of our characters - directly or indirectly! ЁЯШГ No character is wrong but Patriarchy is - the core of this film!!! 

At one point in time, the movie-watcher starts gasping for air by merely watching the amount of work a housewife does. Of course, times have changed and there is a sense of sharing in some of our households, but in a democratic county, apparently we go by majority. In that connection, yes, I do not hesitate to say that kitchens own Indian housewives. Working women - that play dual roles - have no escape eitherЁЯСО.  As I personally know men who do not even wash their tea glasses at houses, the director's portrayal is no exaggeration at allЁЯЩЖ. But same men would stick to etiquettes elsewhere! Hypocrisy at best! Shameless! ЁЯШД

Though I am not for those isolation practices during menstrual cycles, I initially felt happy for the lead character to have been isolated for it would give her the much needed rest. As movie goes on, that happiness is not long livedЁЯЩЕ. Woman to woman equation is also unpleasant. ЁЯШУ 

And yeah, women cannot be open to husband as far as sexual desires are concerned. Even usage of word "foreplay" attracts insult. 

The whole movie moves like a documentary though. However visits of guests, what kitchen work composes of, how personal needs of each and everyone vary, why even mothers are for patriarchal practices, elegantly touching upon respecting one's opinion, and making life's choices are all genuinely pictured!ЁЯСН

On a personal note: 

(1) To make some of you jealous ЁЯШЙ: I watched the film alone and did not recommend it to my husband as it has no relevance to him! ЁЯТЦЁЯТЮ Lucky me ЁЯШН

(2) My attitude towards being a guest to a house has changed.ЁЯСн

(3) I personally remind my family male and female members that ours is a not a great Indian kitchen. ЁЯЩЕ

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Origami: an underestimated form of learning

In a recent workshop on Origami (paper folding) conducted by Kutty Aagaayam, children were told that origin of the art is not clear - whether Japan or China. Doesn't matter; Immaterial of origin, its relevance is worldwide - for all ages. Anyone would love to try a hand at it, if exposed.

The highest form of paper folding I learnt in my childhood was making a boat, a rocket and a camera. I seriously cannot recall anything more! And the only one I still remember is making of paper boat ЁЯШЭ

Pathetic, ain't I? But thanks to Sadako Sazaki, I learnt to make paper cranes! 

This art form has gained significance in recent times where children are enrolled in art and craft classes. Also spaces such as YouTube are browsed to try folding papers for beautiful home decors and fun-filled play items. COVID-19 outbreak has raised viewers and experimenters as children remained indoors for almost a year. Now, there is one important question that pops up in my mind!! 

Why weren't I introduced/taught Origami in Mathematics classes in my school???!!!! ЁЯШХ

There are undoubtedly many benefits of learning this art. Some are;

1. It is FUN with shapes and colors
2. Gives an hand-eye-brain coordination
3. Develops problem-solving skills
4. Instills creativity and provokes curiosity
Of course we all know this! Besides, it is the most loving way to learn Mathematics. That is why I strongly recommend that Origami should be taught not only in art and craft classes but importantly in Mathematics. Will tell you why!

Learning basic shapes: Children could have hands-on training on shapes by folding and/or cutting papers. A paper can be turned to any shape - not only the basic ones - square, rectangle, triangle and circle. After making and learning, the same shapes could turn to a home decor with children's art on it!!

Fractions: It is easier to understand what half, one-third, one-fourth and so on are, by a mere folding of paper!!! It directly has an impact on learning basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Geometry: Learning this branch of Mathematics is not only important but also difficult for most of us. To understand area, angle and dimension of each shape is what geometry is all about. Till now, these are taught with 2D drawings on blackboard leaving us confused ЁЯШЯwhereas Origami will help us learn with 3D shapes made by ourselves. What more one needs to learn it better and easier!!!!

All these with minimal use of tools such as scissors, compass and the like. A Mathematics teacher mastered in Origami can tell us more benefits in detail! As a parent, I imagine how beautiful it would be, to see children coming out of Mathematics classes with color papers and shapes, in addition to better learning!!ЁЯШН

Any parent reading this, please insist your child's Mathematics teacher to incorporate Origami in your child's class! It would beat the teacher's monotony and also bring interest in subject for the child. Truly a win-win situation!ЁЯТЦ

P.S.: A scene in Putham Puthu Kaalai where grandpa would say ludo is nothing but Mathematical Law of Averages. That easy is Mathematics, if rightly and interestingly taught. Unfortunately, I did not come across one such teacher in school! ЁЯШЮ 

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