- There is a children peace monument in Hiroshima, Japan
- It was initiated by children themselves
- That is the only one of its kind in the world
- There is a girl statue in the monument with raised hands and a crane
- Paper cranes are sent from across the world till date
A blog on children, education, women, politics, books, society, cinema and all that concerns me :-)
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Sadako, sending love and peace to you! ЁЯТЮ
Friday, June 19, 2020
Oh, Shin Chan ЁЯШК
Shin Chan has become a part of our family now as our daughter is fond of it. Sometimes the whole family imagines a scene like what would happen if Shin Chan comes to our house and the discussion would naturally turn out to be hilarious and sweet. That is the extent of his influence in our family. (Please note that neither the kid nor the family is addicted; and that is the only kids channel we have subscribed for and that is the only show she fondly watches).
Whenever we are dumbstruck with our daughter's reactions and responses in recent times, we unanimously conclude that it is the influence of Shin Chan ЁЯШВBeing a girl child, let her grow as a talkative, assertive and enthusiastic, independent person. So we are very much fine with it.
Why is the show loved by us as a family and why didn't we find a reason to say a strict NO to watching it? Coz this show is far far far far better that many nuisance and non-sense cartoon shows aired on TV. Let me list out the reasons:
- The whole show is about a kid, his parents, his sister and friends, Shero (the puppy) and all that surrounds him - simply a natural setting for any kid/family to relate to. ЁЯСк
- There is no fantasy - such as spider man saving lives or flying kids to save earth kind of stuff. Everything is real ЁЯСН (Shin Chan movies are exceptions; we do not enjoy it )
- The lead character is no "Best Child" as per societal norms. He is good as well as incredibly naughty giving all forms of headache to his parents, teachers and friends. Like any other child.ЁЯШН
- There is no good vs evil preaching or any kind of preaching for that matter. Thank God! ЁЯЩП
- Though mom is a housewife who does all chores all by herself, she is the financial head of the family and has no regrets in leaving children behind with her husband to do her most favorite pastime, "shopping" ЁЯШЕ. Sometimes we even feel that 'SHE' is the lead character of the show.ЁЯС╕
- Shin Chan and his friends never quarrel over who is the best, who is who's competitor, who scores the highest kind of stuff we normally see around. I mean to say that there is no discussion on their marks, scores and ranks; basically no non-sense ЁЯШЭ
- Shin Chan and his father cannot escape from helping Shin Chan's mom on holidays on household activities ЁЯШО
- Be it a rainy day or a sunny day, Shin Chan can be independent (sometimes we feel its overboard when he goes out in heavy rains too) and can also be of great help to anyone on earth he comes across, but of course in his own naughty ways ЁЯШГЁЯШЖ
- The school set-up is also so informal where the Principal is more or less a friend to these children✌Many a times I feel that the show's director had taken hints from the book "Totto-Chan" ЁЯЩМ
- One of Shin Chan's friends, Neni (the only girl in the gang) is so dominant and I simply love it ЁЯСМ
- Absolutely zero temper tantrum ЁЯШК
- There is always a portrayal of natural relationship between the lead family and their neighbours, their relatives and friends. No drama.ЁЯТЯ
- Event the financial difficulties of his family are well understood by Shin Chan but in a lighter way. Even that would sound and look cute. ЁЯШШ
- There is no violence except for the trademark hit Shin Chan receives from his mom ЁЯШБ
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